Welcome to gambaru.de. Here is my monthly report that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you're interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.
Debian Games
- This month eventually saw the release of Debian 9 "Stretch" (yeah). Time to move some packages from experimental to unstable and package new upstream versions.
- New releases in June: minetest, pygame-sdl2, renpy, fifechan, hitori, blockattack, gtkatlantic
- Now in unstable: springlobby, freeciv, bzflag, freeorion, megaglest, megaglest-data, torcs
- Bug fixes: doomsday (#863536, #858333), gamine (RC #864547), neverball (#852736, #852168), 3dchess (RC #866378, #864623), lincity-ng (#861049), asc (#856073), armagetronad (#861773), adonthell-data (#863202), briquolo (#861045), foobillardplus (#861046), gamazons (#829984)
- Most interesting bug and best team effort was #866378 which caused 3dchess to consume 100% CPU time. Apparently not many people cared about it or it would have been detected much sooner, nevertheless it is fixed now even in Jessie and Stretch.
Debian Java + Android
- New releases in June: libsmali-java, apktool, libjide-oss-java, jboss-modules, jboss-logging, jboss-xnio, openjpa, objenesis, hawtjni, undertow (RC #864405)
- Now in unstable: robocode, hsqldb, activemq, libbultitude-clojure, sweethome3d
- Bug fixes: jython (RC #864859) later also backported to Jessie and Stretch, electric (#847297), libhtml5parser-java (#849462)
- I started to package the latest version of pdfsam, a Java application to split, merge, rotate and mix PDF files. This is a major update and I had to package eleven new dependencies just for that but I think it was worth the time. PDFsam is now a good-looking JavaFX app and I believe it has more features in its basic version than the current alternatives in Debian. I plan to write a separate article about this endeavor soon.
- An update of libmetadata-extractor-java was also necessary. Version 2.10.1 is currently available in experimental and as soon as all dependencies for pdfsam have been approved by the FTP team we can move it to unstable. I gave the maintainer of gpsprune (#866762) a heads-up because this update will break it.
Debian LTS
This was my sixteenth month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 16 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:
- I triaged mp3splt and putty and marked CVE-2017-5666 and CVE-2017-6542 as no-dsa because the impact was very low.
- DLA-975-1. I uploaded the security update for wordpress which I prepared last month fixing 6 CVE.
- DLA-986-1. Issued a security update for zookeeper fixing 1 CVE.
- DLA-989-1. Issued a security update for jython fixing 1 CVE.
- DLA-996-1. Issued a security update for tomcat7 fixing 1 CVE.
- DLA-1002-1. Issued a security update for smb4k fixing 1 CVE.
- DLA-1013-1. Issued a security update for graphite2 fixing 8 CVE.
- DLA-1020-1. Issued a security update for jetty fixing 1 CVE.
- DLA-1021-1. Issued a security update for jetty8 fixing 1 CVE.
- I updated wbar, fixed #829981 and uploaded mediathekview and osmo to unstable. For the Buster release cycle I decided to package the fork of xarchiver's master branch which receives regular updates and bug fixes. Besides being an GTK-3 application now, a lot of older bugs could be fixed.
Thanks for reading and see you next time.
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