Welcome to gambaru.de. Here is my monthly report that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you're interested in Android, Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.
Debian Android
- I sponsored and reviewed android-platform-external-libunwind and android-platform-frameworks-base for Kai-Chung. Two more packages, android-framework-23 and android-platform-tools-swt, are currently waiting in the NEW queue and hopefully they become available soon. Kai-Chung also became Debian Maintainer this month and I granted him upload permissions for android-platform-tools-base for a start. Congratulations.
- I packaged a new upstream release of apktool (2.2.1).
Debian Games
- I fixed RC bugs in lordsawar (#839323) and doomsday (#839338).
- I packaged new upstream releases of atanks, lordsawar, blockattack and peg-e.
- I completed the Bullet transition (#839243). Bullet 2.85 has also been released this month but it is now too late for Stretch because the transition freeze is already on the 5th of November. I expect more point releases a la 2.85.x during the coming weeks and I intend to provide an updated package in experimental soon.
- I did some cleanups, package upgrades and bug fixes for box2d and redeclipse (apparently redeclipse-server requires the -data package to be present now).
- I uploaded Redeclipse 1.5.6 to jessie-backports in the hope that more players will be able to connect to the multiplayer servers. Unfortunately network compatibility breaks rather frequently.
- I applied a patch from Gianfranco Costamagna to address an Multiarch installation issue (#841824) in FreeOrion.
Debian Java
- This month I tended to upgrade more Java packages including new upstream releases of libjide-oss-java, activemq, easymock, libapache-mod-jk, svnkit, sweethome3d-furniture-editor, sweethome3d-textures-editor, sweethome3d-furniture, sweethome3d, sweethome3d-furniture-nonfree, maven-enforcer, bsaf, libjcommon-java, libjfreechart-java, libcsv-java, jansi, jansi-native, jboss-xnio and undertow.
- The update of maven-enforcer caused a regression in its reverse-dependencies (#841197) and required a patch and upload of another revision. The Jfreechart library upgrade also required a compatibility patch for statcvs.
- I updated stegosuite and fixed an incorrect Section field in debian/control.
- I updated the Debian packaging of libjgraph-java and libjemmy2-java.
- I decided to work on getting Eclipse into shape again. The current version is outdated and affected by several bugs at the moment and I really think it should not be released with Stretch. The new version though requires a major package update because the build system is Maven based now. Luca Vercelli already worked on sat4j and Tycho, two preconditions for packaging Eclipse. I reviewed sat4j and uploaded an NMU (#815911) later. I'm still working on Tycho (#816604) and I hope to finish it soon.
- Netbeans 8.2 was released. I have already completed the work on libnb-platform18-java (updated package is available in Git) but I haven't started yet with netbeans itself. I intend to continue the fun in November.
Debian LTS
This was my eight month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 13 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:
- From 10. October until 17. October I was in charge of our LTS frontdesk. I triaged bugs in libgd2, graphicsmagick, libxrender, mupdf, libxfixes, guile-2.0, glance, inspircd, libxi, libxv, libxst, spip, libxml2, libarchive and jasper.
- DLA-648-1. Issued a security update for c-ares fixing 1 CVE.
- DLA-664-1. Issued a security update for libxrender fixing 2 CVE.
- DLA-666-1. Issued a security update for guile-2.0 fixing 2 CVE.
- DLA-667-1. Issued a security update for libxv fixing 1 CVE.
- DLA-668-1. Issued a security update for libass fixing 2 CVE. I triaged CVE-2016-7970 and marked the version in Wheezy as not affected.
- DLA-673-1. Issued a security update for kdepimlibs fixing 1 CVE.
Non-maintainer uploads
- I fixed various RC bugs in gnudoq and xsok which are not maintained by the Games Team. The following games are available in Stretch again: gnudoq (#817296, #817484), xsok (#817738) and I also worked on four more bug fixes to improve the game's desktop integration and internationalization support.
- I fixed another RC bug in trackballs (#831119) but while I was working on the update I discovered that the game frequently segfaults which makes it kind of unplayable (#839788). I haven't found a solution yet but I suspect the switch to guile-2.0 and related patches introduced this behavior.
- I uploaded a new revision of criticalmass and applied a patch from Adrian Bunk to fix #811816, a FTBFS.
- I triaged an RC bug for raptor2 (#824735) and the issue could be closed after the bug reporter confirmed that raptor2 built fine again.
Da du ja nun nur noch auf englisch veröffentlichst habe ich dich aus meinem Feedreader entfernt. Da ich kein englisch kann, kann ich folglich nicht viel mit deinen Veröffentlichungen anfagen und gehöre wohl nicht mehr zu deiner Zielgruppe. Ich schreibe das nur damit du weißt falls du es bemerkst das du einen leser weniger hast, schade eigentlich ich fand das früher interessant.
Dennoch wünsche ich dir mit deinen Aktivitäten für Debian viel erfolg und weiterhin spaß.
PS: Da du dich ja auch mit Spielen beschäftigst in Debian die beiden Spiele epiphany (Boulder dash clon) xye (pacman clon) könnten eine bessere anpassung an die Bildschirmauflösung gebrauchen, also zum beispiel einen Vollbildmodus oder eine auflösungsanpassung an zum beispiel den monitor eines EEEPCs.Also gutes beispiel sei hier njam (pacman clon) genannt. Vielleicht kannst du das ja als Anregung weiterreichen. Ich finde diese Spiele toll und bin begeistert davon.
Danke für deinen Kommentar. Mindestens ein englischer Artikel pro Monat lässt sich nicht vermeiden und zu mehr reicht es momentan nicht. Bei den genannten Spielen gibt es leider schon lange niemanden mehr, der „upstream“ daran wirklich arbeitet. Debian selbst ist ja nur die Distribution, die die Spiele vertreibt und integriert. Ich selbst habe xye und njam in den letzten Jahren zumindest pakettechnisch auf den neusten Stand gebracht und ein paar Bugs gefixt, jedoch werde ich nicht die Zeit haben neuen Code dafür zu schreiben. Wie so oft in der Freien-Software-Welt brauchen wir mehr Freiwillige, die sich daraum kümmern.
Vielen dank für die Information.
vielen Dank für dein Engagement.
Danke schön.
Thank you, Markus!
You’re welcome mate. 🙂